Sexual Harm Prevention Order  - Successful Appeal

On the 13th May 2019, HHJ Altham, sitting at Preston Crown Court, imposed a Sexual Harm Prevention Order upon DD following his conviction for a number of sexual offences.

We did not represent DD at the time of his trial nor at the sentence that followed. However, he instructed Mr. Draycott to act upon his behalf at the end of December 2019 and that led to a very careful analysis of all of the circumstances of the case.

Mr. Draycott was able to advise that certain terms of the Sexual Harm Prevention Order were unfair, unnecessary, and disproportionate.

An application for leave to appeal was prepared and lodged leading the Single Judge to refer the matter to the full Court.

The Full Court made up of Mr. Justice Singh, Mr. Justice Holgate, and Mr. Justice Knowles heard lengthy submissions on the morning of Friday the 24th September 2021. By that stage, Mr. Draycott had invited Mr. David Emanuel QC (Garden Court Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London) to join the defence team.  The pair had worked together, successfully, on the appeal of Ched Evans in 2016 and on many other cases of significance, some of them high profile, in the period since.

Following the submissions that were presented to the Court, leave to appeal out of time was granted.  Furthermore, the appeal was allowed leading to a proper amendment of the Order that had been put in place in May of 2019.

DD was fortunate in that he was able to instruct Mr. Draycott on a private fee-paying basis. This enabled Mr. Draycott to offer his services in a personal capacity and it allowed for the very careful analysis of all of the circumstances of the case such that a successful outcome was ultimately enjoyed.

Contact Draycott Browne Solicitors

Mr Draycott is contactable via or 07703 211700. Mr Draycott support clients exclusively, in the provision of advice, assistance and representation, when accused of or charged with criminal offences. He specialises in all areas of criminal defence litigation including criminal appeals and applications to the Criminal Cases Review Commission. All of Mr Draycott’s work is funded on a private fee-paying basis.

If you require legal representation - call Draycott Browne, a top Uk criminal law firm and speak to one of our highly-respected Criminal Lawyers.