Specialist Insurance Fraud Defence Solicitors
Legal advice and representation for businesses or individuals accused of committing insurance fraud from specialist Insurance Fraud Solicitors.
Being accused of insurance fraud is a serious situation. If you or your business are facing such allegations, it is crucial you obtain legal advice before taking any further steps. Allegations of insurance fraud can be particularly damaging to your reputation and as cases can be highly complex, expert advice is essential.
Draycott Browne has successfully represented and advised clients in serious high value fraud cases since 1998 and our team of highly skilled and experienced fraud solicitors could help you defend your case too. Call us today on +44 (0)161 228 2244
For over 20 years, Draycott Browne has been successfully guiding and representing clients in serious and high value fraud cases. Our solicitors are skilled and experienced at handling the intricacies of complex cases, and we will robustly challenge the evidence against you. We have a formidable reputation for defending serious high value cases with tenacity and attention to detail, ensuring our clients receive the best defence possible.
We will liaise with the authorities for you and if you are asked for information, we will counsel you on what to say. We have over 20 years’ experience dealing with key enforcement agencies, such as:
- HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
- The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
- The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS)
- The Serious Fraud Office (SFO)
Throughout your case, we will be there to support you and provide you with professional advice and guidance, including:
- Representing you during questioning
- Ensuring your rights are protected and that you are treated fairly throughout the process
- Advising you on your plea
- Applying for bail - where necessary - and ensuring the impact of any conditions is minimised
- Ensuring you are fully prepared for your trial
- Providing expert representation in court
- Helping you protect your reputation
- Advising and assisting you on the appeals process, if necessary
We understand that being charged with a fraud offence can be a very stressful experience. Our dedicated and experienced legal team will work tirelessly to defend your case, whilst ensuring that you and your loved ones are treated with understanding, empathy and respect at all times.
Insurance fraud occurs when a person acts dishonestly when taking out or claiming on an insurance policy, either to benefit themselves / another or cause a loss for someone else.
Insurance fraud covers many different situations, including:
- Contrived accidents: Falsely claiming damages occurred due to an accident, when the accident never took place
- Staged or induced road traffic accidents: Deliberately causing an accident and then making false claims on the innocent driver’s insurance e.g. for injuries
- Phantom passenger claims: Claims on motor insurance policies for injuries to passengers who were not in the vehicle at the time of the accident
- Application fraud: Failing to disclose or misrepresenting material facts in a dishonest way during the application process to lower the insurance premium, e.g. not mentioning claims history
- Exaggerating legitimate claims: Overstating injuries and/or losses incurred due to real incidents
Penalties for the most serious fraud cases can be severe. Convictions can result in lengthy prison sentences, and substantial fines may also be imposed.
In addition, a conviction for insurance fraud may affect future job prospects and your ability to obtain insurance and other important financial services.
It is not always possible to anticipate being arrested, which is why our legal advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At Draycott Browne we have a team of professionals ready to assist you whenever you need us. We will represent you right from the start to make sure you and your case are treated fairly and appropriately.
Defending your name is worth every penny, but if you need assistance with the financial cost of your legal fees, we can help you to apply for legal aid. Our solicitors can guide you through the application process to help you get the maximum support possible.
If you are under investigation for insurance fraud, contact our specialist criminal defence lawyers for advice today. Our Fraud Lawyers have significant expertise in these cases and will be able to provide you with the best-possible advice and support.
We take great pride in our dedication and professionalism. We are relentless in the pursuit of achieving the best result possible for all of our clients and will continuously work hard on your behalf with an attention to detail and tenacity that is second to none.
We have over 25 years of experience in this area of law. Our track record in even the most complex and sophisticated of cases shows that you’ll have the best possible chance of a successful outcome to the challenge you are facing.
Draycott Browne is one of the UK's top criminal law firms. We regularly provide specialist criminal defence representation in cases involving insurance fraud to clients in Manchester, Liverpool, London, Birmingham and throughout the whole of England and Wales. When facing serious consequences, trust in Draycott Browne. You cannot afford to settle for anything less.
We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with solicitors committed to providing first-class representation for every client. If you or somebody you know has been arrested and needs expert legal representation, call Draycott Browne today on +44 (0)161 228 2244