exceptional Court of Appeal success

In November of 2019, Draycott Browne Limited secured a further success at the Court of Appeal.We were called upon to consider grounds of appeal that had been drafted by our predecessors who had represented our client at trial.Following very careful consideration of the case circumstances, we completely re-drafted the grounds; abandoning previously cited arguments and replacing them with fresh submissions.Those submissions bore fruit at a renewed application for leave to appeal.The full hearing will take place in 2020 and it follows, at this stage, that we are not in a position to report the individual case facts or circumstances.

If you require legal represention from one of the top Criminal Defence Law Firms in the country, call Draycott Browne and speak to one of our highly-skilled Criminal Defence Lawyers.

Securing leave to appeal at a renewed application is a rare event, indeed.It is testament to the skills employed by Mr. Draycott at the company who, not for the first time, worked alongside David Emanuel QC of Garden Court Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London.